Wine requires precise conditions to age nicely. If you invest money in your wine collection, invest in an environment that keeps it safe for years to come. Let’s look at some of the necessary components of storing and preserving wine, and how the right HVAC system can help you achieve those conditions.
Restaurant Refrigeration: 4 Lessons From Frosty the Snowman
Don’t you just love the holiday season? There’s no other time of year when you’re actually encouraged to eat cookies and milk and watch animated shows on TV.
In case you need any more convincing to participate in these holiday traditions, there’s an additional benefit you may not have considered. Those holiday shows can be surprisingly educational! Here’s an example: if you’re in the restaurant business, Frosty the Snowman can teach you some important lessons about restaurant refrigeration. If you want to keep your commercial refrigeration equipment running reliably, read on to find out what you can learn from Frosty.
Types of AC Units: What’s the Difference and What’s Right for You?
If your air conditioning system is getting older and performing poorly, it’s a great idea to plan for proactive system replacement in advance instead of waiting for a breakdown to force your hand. That way, you won’t have to deal with the inconvenience of going without AC while the replacement is in the works. For businesses, or even for homeowners who rely on AC for health reasons, living without AC for weeks or longer can cost you much more than that.
As you begin to shop for a new system, educate yourself by learning a little bit about the types of AC units. This article will help you do that in 10 minutes or less!
A Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance Checklist to Help You Stay Cool During the Busy Season
The holiday season is coming fast. You’re probably scrambling to get ready for the onslaught of New Yorkers and tourists lining up for a chance to enjoy the trendiest and tastiest fare the city’s restaurants have to offer.
But if your refrigeration equipment fails, you’ll be sending all those customers home dissatisfied or worse. So, today we are sharing some great tips and resources on how to keep your equipment (and your head) cool!
Looking for a Recession-Proof Career? Consider HVAC Service.
In spite of claims that the economy is slowly recovering, it’s still a tough job market out there, especially at the entry level. Every day I read in the news that alarming numbers of college graduates are not finding jobs in their fields of study. Last year, a poll revealed that 40% of college grads were unemployed and 16% were only employed part time. Nearly two-thirds were working in jobs that did not require a college degree, and more than a quarter of a million college grads were earning minimum wage.
The cost of a college education seems to be rising even faster than jobs are declining. Young people considering their future plans should be weighing the cost of a higher education, how long it will take to pay off those loans, and the likely return on that investment.Read More
Repair or Replace An Air Conditioner? The Right Way to Decide
Why repair or replace an air conditioner this fall?
If you’ve got an aging air conditioner, you may be breathing a sigh of relief when Labor Day rolls around. You made it through another summer with the old unit! But don’t talk too soon. You could still experience a breakdown during a brutal week of Indian summer. Then you’ll need to decide whether to repair or replace the air conditioner.