Why is a whole home air purifier such a necessity here in NYC? Because the air inside your home is probably 5 times more polluted than the air outside.
That’s because you have outdoor pollution getting in (like smog, wildfire smoke and pollen), PLUS a whole host of indoor air contaminants. These include viruses, bacteria, mold, VOCs from furniture and household chemicals, offgasses from fireplaces and cooking, dust, pet dander, and more. It’s not surprising that so many people have respiratory problems and other symptoms caused by poor indoor air quality.
Keep reading to learn why a whole home air purifier outperforms standalone HEPA filter devices, and why we recommend the REME HALO® for NYC homeowners.
Benefits of a whole home air purifier vs. HEPA devices
During the height of the pandemic, many people bought small home air purifier devices with HEPA filters to reduce the risk of Covid. HEPA devices can help remove some airborne particles (but not all) from the room they are in. But to enjoy healthy air everywhere in your home, you need a whole home air purifier with more advanced technology.
HEPA devices work by removing particles that happen to filter through the device. They may not filter all the air in the room, never mind the rest of your home. Also, they can’t help with particles that settle on surfaces.
A whole home air purifier is different. It’s installed inside your HVAC ducts. Since ALL the air in your home moves through your HVAC system several times per hour (at least), it can remove more airborne particles that can evade or pass through a HEPA filter. And, when you choose the right system, it can actually deactivate the particles in the air AND on surfaces.
Here’s why we recommend the REME HALO® whole home air purifier.
6 reasons to choose REME HALO® for your NYC space
1. UV light technology kills airborne contaminants flowing through your HVAC
As we mentioned, the REME HALO® Whole Home In-Duct Air Purifier is installed inside your HVAC ducts. It uses several different types of technology to remove and deactivate airborne contaminants that can cause health issues. One way it does this is by using UV light to kill certain types of pathogens as they flow through your ducts.
2. Active air purification seeks out and destroys airborne contaminants throughout your space
UV and HEPA filters are considered “passive” purification because they require the air (and contaminants) to flow through the device.
The REME HALO® has additional “active” technologies that disperse low concentrations of gaseous hydrogen peroxide throughout the air in your home to sanitize it, removing bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and other toxins.
Did you know why sunlight is considered a great disinfectant? It’s the combination of UV light and hydrogen peroxide. REME has replicated “Mother Nature’s chosen sanitizer” to create an incredibly effective technology for purifying the air in your home.
3. Kills viruses and bacteria on surfaces, too
Standalone filter devices can’t do anything about microorganisms that cause illness (like viruses, bacteria and mold) that live on surfaces in your home. The REME HALO® deactivates those particles wherever they are.
With active purification technology, you’ll reduce your risk of illness spreading in your family, and you won’t have to spend as much time wiping down surfaces.
4. Eliminates odors
The REME HALO® airborne sanitizer technology also deactivates particles in the air that cause odors, like mold, VOCs, smoke, and pets. So it improves your comfort along with your health.
5. Inside your ducts and out of sight
If you live in a luxury home, the last thing you want is a clunky air purifier ruining the look of your decor. Because the REME HALO® is installed inside your ducts, it’s out of sight while it’s working to protect your home and family.
BONUS: It’s so quiet you won’t even know it’s there.
6. Proven to kill contaminants, including Covid
This device comes with scientific proof that it works. You can read about the independent research that proves the device is 99.99% effective against the virus that causes Covid.
Learn more about the REME HALO technology here.
Contact Arista to install the best whole home air purifier
Ready to improve your indoor air quality and comfort? Get Arista ELITE HVAC service and contact us about installing a whole home air purifier.