
The Secret to Getting Your Commercial HVAC Upgrades Approved

hvac upgrades

As a facilities manager, you know proper facility management is sometimes a thankless job. That fact is never more apparent than when you’re trying to get HVAC upgrades approved.

A case in point: you devote significant attention to ensuring the building you manage is cool and comfortable in the summer and pleasantly warm in the winter. The trouble is, accolades seldom go out when the indoor climate is pleasant. Yet you’d hear about it quickly if your building was inundated with excessive heat and humidity because your HVAC system went on the blink.

You know your HVAC system has outlived its useful life. The problem is, you’ve done such a good job keeping on top of the equipment that those who control the purse strings do not know how many HVAC disasters you averted through your conscientious oversight.

So, what do you do? Do you wait for a total system breakdown or try and convince the powers that be that it’s time for HVAC system upgrades? You know that you will be held accountable for a sudden system failure and you also know it makes sense to complete the necessary HVAC upgrades before it gets to that point.

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Here’s some suggestions on how to get HVAC upgrades approved.

9 benefits to build your case for HVAC system upgrades

Make a strong argument for how HVAC upgrades will benefit the company and come in armed with facts and figures. Show the decision-makers why HVAC upgrades make good business sense. Stress the following:

1. Improve energy efficiency to reduce costs. Newer HVAC systems are significantly more energy efficient, which will save the company a bundle on energy bills. The energy cost-savings is probably your most compelling argument for HVAC upgrades. Present them with facts: HVAC operation accounts for more than 50-percent of the company’s energy bill and by effectuating HVAC upgrades, the company stands to reduce energy usage by more than 30-percent.

2. Boost productivity. A comfortable climate yields productive employees. Studies show that employees’ productivity dips if their work environment is too hot or humid. Learn more: Your Uncomfortable Office Temperature Is Hurting Your Business

3. Reduce sick time. Poor indoor air quality can result in increased absenteeism and absenteeism had a negative impact on productivity and health benefit premiums.

4. Mitigate liability. You don’t want your building to come down with a malady known as sick building syndrome. If a sizable percentage of the workforce gets sick, you might find at least one employee who blames the company for allowing a hazardous condition to exist and files a lawsuit.
If your company gets hit with a sick building syndrome diagnosis, it could hurt business and your ability to attract top-notch employees. Learn more: Could Your New York HVAC System Be Making You Sick?

5. Prevent a damaged reputation. If you are a customer-service business such as a restaurant establishment, a system breakdown could discourage return customers, and they could relay their poor dining experience on social media platforms and rating sites.

6. Prevent lost business. If you are business that relies on customers visiting your premises, an uncomfortable climate could result in reduced customer traffic.

7. Prevent lost tenants. If you manage a facility that supplies tenants with space, they are not likely to renew a lease if air quality and temperatures are unacceptable.

8. Prevent HVAC repair expense. New HVAC equipment, backed by warranties, provides business owners with peace of mind, knowing they will be unlikely to face major repair bills.

9. Go green. Conservation methods never go out of style. Showing you are a good steward of natural resources demonstrates corporate responsibility and projects a positive image of your company.

All of the above scenarios affect the financial well-being of the company. Does anyone know a company owner or CEO, who does not make the bottom line a top priority?

New technology can provide evidence of the need for HVAC upgrades

Did you know there is dynamic new technology available that just might tip the HVAC equipment replacement decision in favor of HVAC upgrades? Arista Air can show the decision-makers in your company the condition of your system – even the difficult to access equipment on your rooftop or in your basement or cramped into a mechanical room.

A picture is worth a thousand words and Arista is now outfitting its technicians with wearable video communications equipment to video HVAC equipment conditions and services rendered. These video recording devices resemble safety glasses.

The use of this state of the art technology will enable you to make a stronger case for HVAC upgrades because you will be able to show the CEO the rusted-out rooftop equipment instead of just telling your top executives about it.

Sometimes seeing is believing. This video evidence might be just what you need to win approval for dollars for HVAC upgrades in the next budget.

This evidence-based approach to HVAC service will not only help you show company executives why HVAC upgrades are needed now, but it will also help you build an accurate record of all maintenance and repairs done in upcoming years, which should make HVAC upgrades, not such a hard sell next time around.

Facts speak volumes

Facts add credibility to your request for HVAC upgrades and remove emotion from the equation. Provide authorities who will make the decision on HVAC upgrades with useful information about current equipment and its repair history. This type of information will provide the basis for an objective decision.

Learn more: R-22 Phase Out: Will It Impact Your Commercial AC System?

Present decision-makers with equipment options and benefits. Invite a reputable HVAC company like Arista Air in to explain HVAC upgrades and potential savings and enhanced performance upgrades.

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