
Benefits of HVAC Maintenance: Better Profits for Your Business

benefits of hvac maintenance

This discussion about the benefits of HVAC maintenance is an update to one of our most popular and helpful blog posts. Here’s the original: Poor HVAC Maintenance Means Poor Profits. That’s the Bottom Line

Are you monitoring HVAC expenses?

As a business owner, monitoring hard costs is a vital part of maintaining your livelihood. You’re constantly keeping an eye on expenses like payroll, rent or mortgage, and let’s not forget energy costs. Your HVAC system is one of the most expensive and integral parts of your business infrastructure. Do you know what is it costing you? And, more importantly, how can you minimize HVAC expenses? That’s the purpose of regularly servicing your equipment. Let’s take a closer look at the costs of HVAC problems and the benefits of HVAC maintenance.

The soft costs of HVAC problems

When thinking about the benefits of HVAC maintenance, consider the following questions:

  1. How many customers would you be willing to lose because your building was say, too hot to complete that workout, or too cold to finish that meal, or too drafty to try on those clothes?
  2. How productive do you think your employees should be? How is their productivity impacted by the poorly-regulated temperature in your space?
  3. How long would you be willing to close your doors due to an HVAC equipment failure?
  4. How about your energy costs? Is your electric bill getting higher every month? That can happen when HVAC equipment is neglected and no longer operating efficiently.

Like any smart business owner or building manager, you probably wouldn’t tolerate any of this. And yet, these are the soft costs of a poorly maintained HVAC system.

These soft costs are something you may not account for in your monthly budget, but they can lead to declining profits if you don’t pay attention. That’s especially true if you are operating a restaurant, retail store, or other business where attracting and retaining customers is critical to your success. Staying on top of your HVAC equipment with regular preventative maintenance might seem expensive, until you realize the price of lost opportunities.

So how can you control costs you haven’t thought about until now? With an HVAC preventative maintenance plan.

Let’s explore some of the benefits of HVAC maintenance.

Benefits of an HVAC maintenance contract

To learn more about the soft costs of poor HVAC maintenance and how it could be affecting you, download our comprehensive white paper, Calculating the Hidden Costs of Poor HVAC Maintenance.



It’s important to know that all maintenance contracts are not the same, so carefully vet HVAC service providers and pay close attention to HVAC maintenance contract terms. So do your own research, and ask questions to be sure you’re getting all the benefits of HVAC preventative maintenance with your contract.

Helpful hints for selecting an HVAC maintenance agreement

Here are some related articles that can help you compare contracts and get the most benefits from HVAC maintenance:

HVAC Service Contracts: Controlling Time, Quality & Cost
The Ultimate Commercial HVAC Preventative Maintenance Checklist
HVAC Service Contract Pricing Guide

While the costs of entering into a preventative maintenance agreement may seem steep, remember they’re small compared to the expense of lost business opportunities (and also the cost of major repairs that happen when equipment is neglected. Keep those soft costs in mind when adding up the overall benefits of HVAC maintenance as well as comparing prices.

Companies that do consider proper HVAC system maintenance into account when figuring future financial success are making smart, informed choices that help them increase profits and grow their business.


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