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Making a Seamless Transition to a New NYC HVAC Service Provider

Are you ready to end the relationship with your current HVAC maintenance company? Once you’ve determined that it’s time to move on for the sake of your business, here are some tips to seek out the best possible vendors to meet your needs.

Language speaks volumes

The language and format of a contract often provide an important first clue if a vendor is right for you or not. For example, is the document clear and easy to read, or is it weighed down with complicated legal jargon? Are contracts well written and neatly presented, or do they appear sloppy and incomplete?

Every vendor’s goal should be to get a new customer relationship off to the strongest possible start. That means a contract with language that is simple, easy to understand and clear to interpret. The document should define in detail what’s included and what’s not, so you know exactly what you’re buying with no gray areas.

Smooth Sailing Ahead

Ask your possible vendors about their process for easing the transition to a new service provider and making sure it’s as seamless as possible. “We don’t have one” should be a huge red flag that the company doesn’t have the experience or level of customer care you want.

As an example, Arista welcomes every new client with detailed documentation on who to contact for what — everything from equipment installation and billing to arranging an unscheduled service call. That way, we cut down on customer frustration and speed the time it takes to get who and what they need.

We also conduct a thorough site survey to ensure that we’re on top of the type of equipment you have, where it’s located, and any special needs that it may require. We can’t promise that every HVAC service provider takes this approach…but they should.

To learn more about the ins-and-outs of switching providers, download Contract Confidence: Transitioning to a New HVAC Service Provider.


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