
HVAC System Maintenance, Humidity and Your Poor Indoor Air Quality

Have you noticed a mysterious epidemic growing in your building? Are your employees complaining about headaches, asthma attacks, and itchy red skin? Have you experienced an unusual number of fried computers lately? Musty odors?

What kind of strange phenomenon could cause all of these things to happen? The surprising culprit is uncontrolled humidity levels in your building.

Humidity is a key component of air quality. More and more business owners, as well as their employees and customers, are concerned about air quality because it can dramatically affect a person’s health, comfort, and ability to function at his or her best.

And, controlling humidity can also help in the fight to control the spread of coronavirus.

What contributes to indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality is affected by the temperature, humidity, ventilation, mold from water damage, or exposure to noxious chemicals. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA), some of the most common causes of poor indoor air quality include high humidity and poor upkeep of ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems.

How does humidity affect air quality?

How does humidity affect the workplace?

Poor air quality caused by humidity conditions can cause your employees to experience a wide variety of illnesses and symptoms. Humidity can even cause damage to the building and its contents.

Low humidity effects

Low humidity is often found in cold winter climates, in workplaces with a lot of electronic equipment that generates heat, and also when air conditioning systems are improperly designed or maintained. In low relative humidity conditions (below about 30%), you will begin to see the following signs:

High humidity effects

High humidity is often found in warmer climates, as well as in workplaces with inadequate ventilation and poorly functioning air conditioning systems. In high relative humidity conditions (over about 50-60% depending on the temperature), the problems can get serious:

The majority of adverse health effects caused by relative humidity can be minimized by maintaining indoor levels between 40 and 60% (depending on the space and its usage).

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommends temperature ranges of 68°F to 78°F at 50% relative humidity as comfortable for sedentary work.

How can you control humidity levels?

Building owners need to be vigilant about monitoring and controlling humidity levels to ensure good air quality. Take these steps to prevent sick employees and damaged building structures and equipment:

Partner with HVAC professionals to keep humidity levels under control

Improving air quality in your building means working hand-in-hand with qualified professionals who understand and can service the equipment that moves the air. A correctly designed and properly maintained HVAC system keeps humidity at correct levels.

A qualified HVAC contractor can perform an analysis of your ventilation system using ASHRAE guidelines to make sure the design is adequate for the space and building occupants.

In addition, regularly scheduled maintenance of heating and air conditioning systems is imperative for keeping your systems working effectively and keeping air quality at optimal levels. Consider implementing a Preventative Maintenance Service Contract with an industry-leading HVAC company like Arista.

To learn more about choosing a service contract, download our white paper, HVAC Preventative Maintenance Contract: How To Choose the Right One for Your Infrastructure.

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