
Commercial HVAC Repair: How to Spend Less & Get More

Commercial HVAC repair expenses can take a big bite out of your profits. You might think there’s little you can do to prevent those costly breakdowns from happening.

The fact is, there is something you can do to reduce what you spend on HVAC repairs: regular maintenance. The cost of maintenance is a small investment that reduces your HVAC repair expenses.

If you’ve been led to believe that maintenance isn’t important, today we’re going to explain exactly how regular maintenance prevents the most common causes of HVAC breakdowns.

How regular maintenance prevents breakdowns & reduces commercial HVAC repair bills

Here are some of the most common causes of heating and air conditioning failures, and how maintenance prevents those breakdowns from happening.

Electrical issues

Electrical parts can be delicate and cause recurring issues if they fail. During your preventative maintenance visit, your technician will inspect the wiring and connections. This can prevent several problems that would require commercial HVAC repair, such as a failing capacitor causing a loss of power.

Capacitors regulate the flow of electricity, so if a capacitor fails, the whole system will go with it. Something as innocuous (and common) as dust collecting on a fuse can also block the flow of power and cause a system failure.

Motor failures

Your HVAC system has motors that power fans, including one that blows air over the condenser coil and another that blows air over the evaporator coil. A broken motor part can take down your system and require an expensive commercial HVAC repair.

An HVAC maintenance plan includes inspecting motors, lubricating moving parts, and replacing worn out belts and pulleys to keep motors and fans in good working order.

Refrigerant leaks

Refrigerant is not like gas in a car; you shouldn’t use it up or run out. The coil in an HVAC unit is a closed system, and the unit should always have the same amount of refrigerant it was installed with. However, if the coil develops cracks or small holes, the refrigerant could leak and you’ll be looking at an expensive commercial HVAC repair.

Regular maintenance can save you the trouble. When dust and grime builds up on the coils, they can corrode. This can lead to the coils developing cracks or holes which leak refrigerant. If the coils are not regularly cleaned, contaminants can build up and damage these delicate parts. Commercial HVAC repair techs know the right way to clean them during maintenance checks.

Water leaks

An AC unit functions by drawing water out of the air via the evaporator coil. During normal operation, condensate runs down the coil and drain line and is collected in a drain pan. It shouldn’t leak or cause visible moisture. If you see water collecting on the floor near your unit, commercial HVAC repair may be needed to fix the problem.

Water leaks from an HVAC unit may happen for several reasons. As water runs down the coils, it may collect dust and bring grime with it into the drain pan. If the drain line or pan becomes dirty and clogged, water won’t be able to drain properly and can overflow. If your unit is in the basement of your building, you may also have a condensate pump to pump the collected water out, which is another part that can malfunction.

Water leaks can also be caused by improper installation. Normal vibrations in a commercial building can be enough to disconnect a poorly-installed drain line, causing the condensate to spill. You can end up with structural damage to your floors, walls, and ceilings along with an expensive repair bill.

A regular maintenance inspection can prevent your need for commercial HVAC repair for this problem. An HVAC tech will clean the drain lines and pan, check for any leaks, and check the condensate pump.

Frozen coils

A frozen evaporator coil can cause a lot of damage, including compressor failure and water damage in your space. If you notice frost or ice on your indoor air conditioning unit, that’s a problem that’s going to require a visit from a commercial HVAC repair company.

Coils can freeze when a motor breaks down or runs too slowly, when the system develops a refrigerant leak, or due to air flow problems. Maintenance keeps motors and coils in good working order, as we mentioned previously. Also, regular maintenance tasks include cleaning air filters and fans, and fixing broken fan blades, which prevent air flow problems that can lead to frozen coils.

Control problems

If your HVAC system isn’t reaching the set temperature, the problem may actually be with your thermostat. If it can’t take an accurate reading, it may be sending the wrong signals to your HVAC system.

When your system is maintained by a commercial HVAC repair tech, they can diagnose control issues and recalibrate your thermostats. If you have a commercial control system or a smart thermostat, maintenance can help you use these efficiently as well.

Learn more: 6 Reasons to Upgrade to Smarter Commercial HVAC Controls

Think of it like an oil change for your HVAC system

Would you drive your car for years without an oil change? Running an HVAC system for years without maintenance is just as foolish.

With all the potential problems it can prevent, getting regularly scheduled maintenance just makes sense. Needing commercial HVAC repair is expensive and HVAC downtime can hurt your business as well. Even if you are budgeting for these emergencies, you may be spending more than you need to. Get a quote for preventative maintenance and see if it can save you money and headaches.

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